Meet Bluebel

Hi, I’m Bel! I’m so happy that you’ve found my page. I’m trying a thing here. It’s a little bit of vanity, a little bit of nostalgia, and a lot of wanting to connect with others by offering up my own vulnerability. (You know, in like a “here, I’ll go first!” kind of way.)

So, who am I? Gosh, I don’t even know where to begin.

I kind of feel like a weed; something that was supposed to grow elsewhere, but somehow wound up here and started doing my own thing, whether anyone wanted me to or not. (Mind you, I’ve been a cherished weed <3.)

For about ten years, I thought I was an engineer. Still am I guess, but now I’m also a therapist! (Mechanical, mental health–folks inevitably ask for specifics!) I am a mother, a partner, and the eldest daughter in a blended family. I self-identify as an artist and a musician, among other things. Spiritually, I am trying to reconnect with my Druid and Jewish pasts. My most recent journey (besides graduating with an MS in mental health counseling) has been one many thirty-somethings are familiar with in these post-COVID days: Playing chronic illness BINGO.

I’ve worn so many hats in my life that I am having trouble keeping them all straight. I’m also pretty sure my memory is low-key beginning to fail me (just kidding, maybe??? let’s check back in on that in a few years??) so writing things out is a way for me to dust the cobwebs gathering in the corners of my brainspace. I’m not the influencer type, so you can expect unburdened authenticity here. Real life, as it happens… at least, as I remember it happening. ; ) If you’re into reading about lifestyle, philosophizing, crochet, painting, drawing, needlepoint, wood-burning, jewelry-making, cosplay/costuming, old-fashioned letter writing, random crafts kids ask their parents for, banjo, drums, uke, hurdy gurdy (you read that right), songwriting, nature worship, tarot, oracle, World of Warcraft, 90s/2000s console games, books, movies & TV, POTS, gluten sensitivities, and social justice–well, you might get something out of sticking around for a bit.