
The question arises with unsurprising frequency: “Why do we self-sabotage?” Because comfort. It is, I think, as simple as that. When you’re used to things being a certain way, it can be unsettling to face a shift in circumstances. To allow your circumstances to change means to face the likelihood that every tool you developed … [Read more…]

ACT Naturally

It has been a few weeks since I posted, because nothing I wrote felt safe to post. I have been struggling with the adjustment to a paycheck that is dependent upon others showing up, and the knowledge that no matter how many clients I see this year, it will not be enough to pay my … [Read more…]


It is the last day of winter break. My daughter is due to go back to school tomorrow, although with all the snow hype this weekend, we are preparing ourselves for the possibility of an extra day. The break has been dysregulating for her, as it has been for many families we know. The break … [Read more…]

New Year

I decided on a whim to forego the $15 crackers from the party supply store in favor of spending 2.5 hrs making my own. The mass-produced ones available near us are pretty lame, anyway. They make a nice cracking noise, to be sure. After that, it’s a joke, a tissue paper crown, a noise maker, … [Read more…]

The Expert

Expertise. It comes with practice, for which time is usually a prerequisite. Other prerequisites include things like access, ability, and understanding. Multiply these factors across all areas of interest, and one quickly finds that the more interests a person has, the harder it is to become an expert in any one area. As the phrase … [Read more…]

Real Talk: POTS

Ready for a long one? Been crafting this one for a few days. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) has been gaining visibility in recent years. When I first heard of it, some folks spoke of it with the same disparaging tone they applied to fads. Just the latest popular chronic illness to self-identify with! The … [Read more…]

Real Talk: Manuscripts

I’ll preface this by saying: I’ve never written a manuscript before. I’ve written 60+ page papers for school, I’ve collected and organized a variety of research into coherent and sensible deliverables, and I’ve even structured numerous songs and short stories. A manuscript? It’s something new altogether. I figured that I may as well cut my … [Read more…]

Why a Blog?

It’s true, blogs are on their way out, in a way. AI is snapping up many of the creative jobs, and TikTok and podcasts seem to have become the cornerstone of consumer content. The Internet is also a scarier place for those who offer real insight into their lives; what we put out there lives … [Read more…]