Real Talk: Manuscripts

I’ll preface this by saying: I’ve never written a manuscript before. I’ve written 60+ page papers for school, I’ve collected and organized a variety of research into coherent and sensible deliverables, and I’ve even structured numerous songs and short stories. A manuscript? It’s something new altogether. I figured that I may as well cut my teeth by focusing on the subject I know the most about (myself, of course). Simple enough–until I face the questions of how much information to share? How to pace the reveal of said information so as not to overwhelm the reader? How to spark intrigue without being inflammatory? I have not yet decided the answers to these questions, and it is a bit overwhelming to have them spinning around in my head. Therefore, take this as your friendly reminder to write anyway. I’ve heard before that the first draft is just getting it on paper, and that many writers find their early drafts to be utter rot that should never see the light of day. Now I’m starting to get an idea of what that experience is actually like, and you know what? I’d say it’s an achievement. I’m exactly where I need to be, right now.

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