The Expert

Expertise. It comes with practice, for which time is usually a prerequisite. Other prerequisites include things like access, ability, and understanding. Multiply these factors across all areas of interest, and one quickly finds that the more interests a person has, the harder it is to become an expert in any one area. As the phrase … [Read more…]

Real Talk: POTS

Ready for a long one? Been crafting this one for a few days. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) has been gaining visibility in recent years. When I first heard of it, some folks spoke of it with the same disparaging tone they applied to fads. Just the latest popular chronic illness to self-identify with! The … [Read more…]

Real Talk: Manuscripts

I’ll preface this by saying: I’ve never written a manuscript before. I’ve written 60+ page papers for school, I’ve collected and organized a variety of research into coherent and sensible deliverables, and I’ve even structured numerous songs and short stories. A manuscript? It’s something new altogether. I figured that I may as well cut my … [Read more…]

Why a Blog?

It’s true, blogs are on their way out, in a way. AI is snapping up many of the creative jobs, and TikTok and podcasts seem to have become the cornerstone of consumer content. The Internet is also a scarier place for those who offer real insight into their lives; what we put out there lives … [Read more…]

New Blog, Who Dis?

Really though, where to begin? Well, let’s start with a check-in. I just graduated again, this time with my master’s degree. (Spoiler alert: It has nothing to do with my bachelor’s degree.) I am using one of my three precious child-free days between graduation and my daughter’s winter break to research the most advantageous way … [Read more…]